Determining Your Coverage Needs
Workers’ compensation insurance coverage is required in Kentucky for all organizations with at least one employee; however, there are employee and employer exceptions to this requirement. If you are unsure about whether you need to purchase coverage, consult with an independent insurance agent. Find an Agent »

The Underwriting Process
Whether you work with an agent or contact KEMI to obtain coverage, your journey will start with a KEMI underwriter. The responsibility of a workers’ compensation underwriter is to evaluate the risks associated with your organization and your industry, then calculate your premium. Learn How Premium is Calculated »

Focus on Safety
You can help control your workers’ comp costs by taking a proactive approach to safety. KEMI offers a variety of safety resources and services to help your organization protect your employees. Access our Safety Resources »
Reporting an Incident
Accidents happen, and when they do KEMI will make sure claimants receive the highest standard of care available throughout their claim.
Under Kentucky law (KRS 342.038), all claims must be reported to us within three (3) working days of your knowledge of any work-related incident or illness. Report a Claim »

Premium Audit
When KEMI issues a policy, the cost of the policy is based upon the policyholder’s classification and payroll estimates. An audit is completed at the end of the policy term to verify actual classification(s) and determine actual payrolls.
Audits are completed by verifying operations, reviewing payroll records and allocating payroll between applicable classification codes. Learn about the Audit Process »

Renewing Your Policy
To ensure a smooth renewal process, be sure to keep us updated throughout the year with any changes that may affect your policy. Examples include increases or decreases with payroll, changes with owners or officers, address changes, etc.
KEMI starts reviewing renewal information several months in advance and will send it to you and your agent at least a month prior to your policy’s expiration date, unless additional notice is required.