Premium Audits
When KEMI issues a policy, the cost of the policy is based upon the policyholder’s classification and payroll estimates. An audit is completed at the end of the policy term to verify actual classification(s) and determine actual payrolls.
KEMI will contact you and request information for a routine audit. The audit may be conducted by a KEMI representative or a third party hired by KEMI. Audits may be conducted in the field at the location where the business records are maintained, by mail or online.
Audits are completed by verifying operations, reviewing payroll records and allocating payroll between applicable classification codes. The auditor will review your information and may ask additional questions. KEMI will send you a summary of the audit results.
Once the audit is completed, KEMI will either bill the policyholder for additional premium if the actual exposure is more than the estimate or issue the policyholder a refund if the actual exposure is less than the estimate.

KEMI will contact you and request information for a routine audit.
The auditor will review your information, ask questions, and send you a summary of the audit results.
Additional premium may be
owed or refunded.
Complete an Online Audit
If you received a letter from KEMI requesting the completion of an Online Audit, please login here using the information that was provided.
Still have questions?
KEMI’s Audit Team is here to help answer your questions about the audit process. Email us at